8 Reasons I Love You: I can tell you anything, and you won't be shocked | I can be myself when I am with you | Every time I look at you, my heart misses a beat | I love to hear your voice | I love that feeling of being secure when you wrap your arms around me | I love the way you keep your cool when I do something stupid | I like your small gestures that speak volumes about how much you care | And, of-course, your intelligence, 'cause you were smart enough to fall in love with me ;-) |

Monday, February 28, 2011

Morning Dew

good morning hey you "morning dew"
is it too morning for me to wake up?
watching you drop,
from one leaf to another leaf?

hey you "morning dew"
it's very cold..
cold morning I've never felt before
am i right?

i need a warmness for a little while,
can you hide just for a moment,
let me feel the warmness
disappearing my coldness?

just a second..


seems that you didn't hear my saying,
still feel the cold,
after all..
i feel frozen anyway

similar with my heart..
a heart which is missed a softly touch..
a heart which is missed a warmness,

when it'll change?

Friday, February 25, 2011


i see a man standing there..
in the garden which full of people
where people walking around the pond,

that man, staring at on object..
i see that..
he smiles while put his hand into his pocket
and i see he screams when something went wrong,

he lifts the object
well, i can't see clearly..
seems blur
and really blur..

he looks so damn sad,
he looks so damn regret
he looks so pleased 
.....with what happened.....

yeah, i still can't see the object
why? thought that my eyes are normal
so, why i can't see that object

i go home then sleep for a while
[in my dream]

i'm standing around a pond
with my infant body
in a big garden with many people surround
with a man i called ''AYAH"

i run after a butterfly
a big purple butterfly
who fly in front of me
i try to catch him, he looks want me to run after him..

Hey, Mr. Butterfly......
i'll catch you!!!
"mama.. mama.. mama.."

then Ayah comes to me,
and he looks so sad watching me in pain..
i fall down in the ground
hit a big rock..

[after all, a question comes to my mind]

Ayah, why you come to me
while i call Mama?

Ayah just give me his best smile, with no reason...

even i rather call your name than Mama
please understand this, 
"you have your own place in my heart"
even i never told you my love's story
i know you pray the best for my love's life
even i always make you angry
i know you always patient to face me
i know you always try to make me happy
and give me the best

Ayah, sorry for being so rude with you.. i love your smile Ayah.. thank you for caring me, even i honestly rather feel that you care.. but every single actions you did, i know you care.. you treat me with an unspoken caring, i know that.. 



i live in a space called no privacy galaxy
i wanna leave this galaxy as soon as possible
may GOD help me to escape from this galaxy

this galaxy!
may i explain it further?
if no, just stop here please...
if yes, just continue to read

this galaxy is actually a beautiful space
untrusted feelings come to the ancestor's mind
when the word care has been the only reason
make this space become a none private galaxy

where to go?
no idea yet!!!!!
i'm only a little creature who missed
a freedom

i try so hard to enjoy it
i try so hard to forget that i belong to this galaxy
i try so hard to love this galaxy

everything isn't in my control
she controlled me
she steered me
she taught me everything that i need to know

yes, that's a good word to explain what i feel

i owe to love her, she created me to be like this
i have to know what she wants from me
i'll know what she wanted from me

when i become HER

... i love you mama...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

is it my RIGHT?

slap me!! 
beat me!! 
hit me!!
till the bloody blood flowing on my cheek

tell me it's just a dream!!
show me the truly life..

this is a RIGHT not a choice,
this is my responsibility to wait after you..
i know that
i know then..

always but after all..
can i omit this word?
no but...

the only will is:


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Characteristics of Leo's Women

finally, i found an article which explain about the characteristics of a Leo's women..:) in fact, i'm a Leo and i'm proud to be a Leo.. i was born in August, 8 1989.. what a beautiful birthday is that..:D

Ia akan nampak menonjol di antara kerumunan orang.
> yeah, that's right.. but with one condition: if i'm in a good mood.. but actually i always have a good mood..:)

Wanita Zodiak Leo umumnya tinggi. Anda akan jarang menemui wanita Leo yang pendek dan agak “tebal”. 
> tall? not really tall.. approximately 160 cm.. that's enough for me.. always thx to Allah for the bless that given..:)

Ketika ia berjalan, ia berjalan layaknya seorang ratu, penuh percaya diri dan tidak menoleh ke mana-mana, bagaikan tidak ada orang sama sekali di sekitarnya. 
> yeah, absolutely right.. hate to watch all over me.. little bit careless i think..:)

Ia akan berdandan dengan gayanya sendiri, dan tidak mengikuti mode.
> yeah, i love to be myself because that's why Allah created me..

Wanita Leo percaya diri dengan apa yang dipilihnya untuk dipakainya.
> over confidant i thought..:D

Jangan pernah membeli baju murah yang dijual lusinan sebagai hadiah untuknya, ia akan
> don't ever buy something that yourself doesn't like either.. :)

Juga jangan membeli baju yang tidak mencerminkan kepribadiannya yang percaya diri.
> don't try to give me a dress.. i'll wear it in front of camera, not in front of you!! :p

Ia menyukai baju dan asesoris yang unik dan ‘aneh’. Ia suka sekali tampil berbeda.
> i love my big glasses and my big ring.. that's pretty cool..:D

Jika anda ingin mengenal dia, sabar dan ambillah waktu sepanjang mungkin, karena ia sangat selektif mengenai orang yang berkenalan dengan dia. 
> not really, i think that i'm such a careless person who doesn't think about who you are, where you come from.. the only think i know is, YOU ARE INTERESTING

Ia berpikiran terbuka, tetapi ia tidak akan membiarkan orang terlalu dekat dengannya. 
> yeah, i'm still learn how to improve my open minded style..:D

Ia menyukai kata-kata manis dan pujian, tetapi tidak terlalu banyak. 
> yeah, i love to be graced but not too much.. i'll just think that you have a will behind your kindness to me.. hhi

Ia tersenyum kepada siapa saja, tetapi dalam hatinya, ia percaya bahwa ia dilahirkan sebagai pemimpin.
> oh, yeah..

Wanita Zodiak Leo suka mengendalikan, karena hal itu adalah insting alaminya. 
> but, after i fall into someone.. i'll change it and follow him.. is it wrong? :D

Ia adalah wanita yang anggun, dan memiliki kharisma yang sangat kuat, maka anda harus siap menghadapi persaingan hebat. 
> no comment..:D

Dia adalah orang yang sangat bangga kepada diri sendiri, maka jangan pernah menantang kepercayaan dirinya.
> i think, how can i proud to someone else and let myself just stay without doing something that make myself proud? :D

Mungkin saja ia akan marah dan bertingkah layaknya badai, dan kemudian layaknya anak kucing yang lucu dan tidak bersalah, tapi jangan pernah jatuh kedalam perangkapnya.
> no one could be so naive if being hurt.. especially me..:D

Ia selalu mengingat semuanya, dan suka untuk mengingat-ingat kenangan manis, jadi jika anda menemukan album foto penuh dengan foto mantan, atau tumpukan surat cintanya yang membuat anda serasa ingin muntah, jangan anggap itu semua terlalu serius.
> yeah, i love to remain something.. because all of relationship has two words.. GOODNESS and BADNESS

Walaupun Cewek Zodiak Leo menyimpan semua memori manisnya, tidak berarti ia masih menyimpan perasaan lamanya, jadi anda tidak perlu panik. 
> yeah, i already throw up all of my past and try to accept someone new in my life..:)

Ia dikelilingi oleh banyak cowok baik, maka jika anda memiliki latar belakang keluarga yang baik, atau keluarga yang terkenal, atau karir yang sukses, hal itu akan menguntungkan bagi anda.
> yeah, i have seven best friends.. K-Cinx (Dwi), Bathanx (Febri), Nyonk (Vicky), Taphonx (Tahta), Bagor (Angga), Andie and Adib.. they are awesome..:-*

Ia benci hidup miskin, dan ia berpikir bahwa cinta tidak akan dapat membayar semua pengeluaran.
> be a realistic person.. we can't eat love!! :)

Ia adalah tipe sporty dan suka sekali berolah raga.
> i don't think so..:D

Jika anda ingin berkencan dengannya, bersiaplah untuk mengeluarkan duit banyak, karena makan malam dengannya tidak mungkin makan di stand burger atau hot dog, tetapi sebaiknya adalah resto terbaik di kota.
> i love TAHU GIMBAL actualy, it doesn't matter for me to eat in a place like that..:)

Cewek Leo adalah orang pemurah, jadi jangan terkejut jika dia memberi hadiah yang lebih mahal daripada hadiah yang pernah anda berikan kepadanya.
> absolutely right, if you give me something i'll give you more (if  have enough money to do that) :D

Ia suka hal yang bersifat extravaganza, bukan hadiah murah, Jadi jika anda tidak memiliki banyak uang, cobalah untuk kreatif dan membuat hadiah sendiri untuk dia. Hal ini membuat hadiah anda menjadi unik, dan waktu yang anda gunakan untuk membuatnya merupakan suatu penghargaan sendiri bagi dia. Anda dapat berpikir ekonomis, tapi jangan pelit.
> yeah, i love a creative boy..:)

i just wanna be me.. nothing else..:)